"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
John R. Noe
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
High Achievers.....
1. Make no small plans

You should always have big and challenging plans for yourself. Having big plans would challenge yourself and that how you become better. For example, if you want to pass all your classes sure that's a good goal, but instead you should try to pass your classes with all A's. You should have future plans also, like how much money you want to make, or what job you want to have, etc. If you have big plans you're most likely to succeed. If you have small plans you will be missing out on way more that you can be getting.
2. Do what they fear
Do what other people are afraid of doing, like taking risks. People are scared of failure, that's one of the reasons why people don't try to take risks. If you take risks and not fear anything you will have a better chance to succeed than others who are fearful. Face your fears, either it's for following your dream or getting on a roller coaster. I have to face my fears and try my best to become a professional soccer player. There are many obstacles to go through while trying to be an athlete, and that's what most people fear. But I have to overcome them by facing them and not giving up even if I fail. "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
3. Are willing to prepare

Willing to prepare yourself will set you up for success. Preparing yourself for something you want to do will give you a better advantage. Some examples are, preparing yourself for college. Your doing college type work, doing applications, studying, etc. Also, you have a soccer game and you need to prepare for it earlier so you can have a better chance of playing well. I prepare for soccer games consistently. It really helps me feel good and stay sharp on game day. I go for runs and practice with the ball. I feel like I need to improve on preparing myself more often for school, like for example on tests. I sometimes get low scores but if I were to prepare myself I would get a better score.

4.Are willing to risk failure
Willing to risk failure will help you succeed every time. You just have to try, your either going to succeed or fail. But trying every time and learning from your mistakes makes you better. Many people don't try because they are scared to fail. Great people keep trying even though they fail and keep on improving. For example, just being in a soccer game, you are risking failure because you don't know if your going to win or lose but obviously you will always try to go for the win. Another example of risking failure is taking a test. Your either going to pass or fail. You have to take chances. Think about failure kind of a way of learning. I am willing to risk failure. I'm always risking failure because I play soccer. In a game i'm either going to win or loss, a shot i'm either going to score or miss, etc.
5. Are teachable

High achievers and successful people are teachable. People won't be successful because they aren't teachable, or they think they know it all already. You should be a person that is open to any help and take it to try to make yourself better. For example, my soccer coach tells me on what I need to improve on and I listen and try to improve on the things he told me I needed to improve on. That will help become a better player.

6. Have heart
High achievers have heart. Which to me means they try their best and give it their all. Also, being passionate about what they're doing. Being a humble, trustworthy, honest, etc are all words that can also explain what having a heart means to me. In my opinion, I think I am a humble and trustworthy person and I am passionate about things I love to do like soccer.
Final Reflection: I think those 6 attitudes to become a high achiever are all true. I will try my best to have all these attitudes to make myself a better person and a high achiever. I think some of the attitudes that I do have is make no small plans, are willing ti prepare, are teachable and have heart. The other two do what they fear and risk failure are ones I think I need to improve on. I usually use these attitudes while playing soccer the most but I will try to do them outside of soccer more often.