Class Evaluations
1.What are things you like about the class?
-Things that I like about the class is how Mr. Haymore is always teaching us ways on how to succeed and become a better person. I like how Mr. Haymore makes us read our goals daily so what we want to achieve always sticks,
2.What are things you do not like about the class?
-There is really nothing that I don't like about the class. Some things can be boring to me because it doesn't really interest me.
3.Recommendations for improving the class
-I don't have any recommendations on improving the class.
4.What was a highlight for you in the class?
-Always typing about ways to become successful and a CTR person.
5.Explain:Did you really do your best in this class?
-I believe I could do better, it wasn't my best, but I worked hard.
6. Answer:Are you reading and writing in your Life Planning Goals Journal: both parts-Goals part and Sharpen the Saw part for at least five minutes daily and reporting? Explain.
-I don't read and write on my journal everyday, I only read and add more things to them during class. I should start reading and writing on my journal outside of class. But when i'm in class I stay focused and read and try to add more goals .
7. Answer: Are you committed to being a CTR person and seeking Personal Development? Why or why not?
-Yes, I am always trying to be a good person and always improve myself in many ways and learn from mistakes I make. I am committed to being a CTR person.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Medical School
1. Albert Einstein College of Medicine - New York
2. Students admitted usually have a GPA between a 3.5 and 4.0
3. Tuition is approximately $45,000
5.Master of Science in Clinical Research Methods, Master Science in Bioethics
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
The 10 Keys to Personal Power
The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity

I agree on everything this quote has to say. Have a certain goal in life and work towards it and try your best to reach it. Always have other goals to keep you sharp. For example, if you want to lose weight, get stronger, read a book a day, etc. Little things like that will benefit you in life. My main goal is to become a professional soccer player. Everyday I am trying something that will help me get closer to reach it. I always have small goa
ls as well like score a goal this weekend or get an assist, also goals outside of soccer like finish all my homework.
ls as well like score a goal this weekend or get an assist, also goals outside of soccer like finish all my homework.
Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."
Always make the best use of your time. You don't want to be wasting your time with something that wouldn't benefit
you in any way. You know what you should be doing to be successful. For example, if you know you have homework but want to play video games, think before and choose the right option and do your homework first, then maybe you can play video games after your done with your priorities.
Key 4: Common Sense
I agree with all these points. Train your mind too choose the right thing. You can train your mind to make yourself a better person. Thinking things through is also very important. You shouldn't make important decisions without thinking it through. Listen to your intuition, your gut feeling. It's usually always the right thing to do. Learn from setbacks like your mistakes. Don't let that bring you down, let that bring you up. Common sense is things you know is something you know you should do and that is obvious.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Everybody is creative in there own way. Ask lots of questions. Asking questions can help you learn a lot. The more you know the better it will be for you. Do things the way you want it, even if not many people agree on it, you should always try new things out. Be creative in your thinking and things that you do. People just think of art and drawings when they hear the word creativity, but there's a lot of other things to be creative at in a daily basis. Sports, hobby's, foods, clothing, etc. Being open-minded allows you to be more creative.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history.
Consideration is when you have to make a careful thought overtime and choose the right decision you think is best for you. Things you will have to put in consideration in life are the people you have relationships with, goals you have for yourself that you want to do, living a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle, work/jobs you may want, etc. Just named a few things that will most likely you will have to make decisions with in life. Personally, things I have in consideration are the people I spend most time with. Like in school I have friends, and usually I think about if I should continue talking to them after high school. We all have things to have in consideration, and try to make the right choices that will help you become successful in your life.
Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
Be more consistent in everything you do. Be consistent with your work, family, friends, etc... like the second quote says. Being consistent means to always work on something or doing something and always doing good most of the time. People that aren't consistent are people that might do one thing that is good but don't continue. For example, I practice playing soccer consistently, which means I practice almost everyday.
Key 8: Commitment
Brian Tracy's quote is very true. If you fear failure, you will most likely fail in life. Fail is normal, you need to learn how to fail because we all have to fail. Take failing in a positive way and look at it as motivation to get you better and not do the same mistake again. For example, if your trying out for your high school soccer team and you failed to make it, don't give up. Get better and practice more so next time you have that opportunity, you will make it. Also, don't be afraid on trying new things, especially if its something you really want to try. Don't be afraid, be brave.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Everybody is creative in there own way. Ask lots of questions. Asking questions can help you learn a lot. The more you know the better it will be for you. Do things the way you want it, even if not many people agree on it, you should always try new things out. Be creative in your thinking and things that you do. People just think of art and drawings when they hear the word creativity, but there's a lot of other things to be creative at in a daily basis. Sports, hobby's, foods, clothing, etc. Being open-minded allows you to be more creative.

"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history.
Consideration is when you have to make a careful thought overtime and choose the right decision you think is best for you. Things you will have to put in consideration in life are the people you have relationships with, goals you have for yourself that you want to do, living a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle, work/jobs you may want, etc. Just named a few things that will most likely you will have to make decisions with in life. Personally, things I have in consideration are the people I spend most time with. Like in school I have friends, and usually I think about if I should continue talking to them after high school. We all have things to have in consideration, and try to make the right choices that will help you become successful in your life.
Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
Commitment is a must have if you want to be successful on anything in life. I agree with both of Brian Tracy's quotes. If you want to do good in something you have to be committed on working on it and not giving up. For example, I want to be a great soccer player, so I am committed on working hard and practicing often to become a great player. Another example of commitment is lets say you want to lose 10 pounds in a month. You will have to stay committed in eating right and excising daily.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Thursday, December 1, 2016
Dr. Covey Video Response
I learned many things the video. I like when he referred to an ice burg everyone can see the top but not the bottom, and he says personality is on top and character would be in the bottom, because personality is something a lot of people can see and character is something people can't really see. Dr. Covey made some great points throughout the video.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Free Write
This weekend I went to Olive Garden with my girlfriend. The food was really, really, really good. We got chicken Alfredo pasta and for the appetizer we got chicken soup and bread sticks. I had a great time eating and talking to her, it was a good day.
November 20 is my birthday. I don't really want anything but to just to go out somewhere fun and eat with my family and girlfriend. I know my family will probably give me a bit of money and I have some ideas of things to buy with the money. Maybe some clothes and shoes, I'm not sure yet. My mom told me she might give me a laptop and I really need one so I will be really happy and grateful if I can get one. She says that will count as my Christmas gift also. And I am fine with that.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Being proactive is a very important habit to be a highly effective person. It means you are a responsible person. Always doing the right thing to do even when no one is looking. You choose your action, attitudes and moods. Being proactive is another way of saying your in charge of yourself and do things for yourself that you think will benefit you. "Don't be reactive but proactive. Thus you will happen your life." I feel like I am a proactive person at time. But only at times so I need to improve myself and always try to be a proactive person.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch) Control your life and do what you think will be best for you. For example. if you want to be a doctor, go for it. Do what it takes and study the things you need to study. Do what you love. Don't settle for something you don't enjoy because you will be wasting your time and you could be doing something you like and be enjoying life. Don't follow others, follow your dreams. Think about what you want to achieve and what you have to do to get there.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
This habit to put first things first means to do your priorities. "Organize and execute around priorities." Do things that are most important to you first. For example, one of my priorities are soccer. So, I make time and practice or study soccer to make myself better because I really want to get better. Another priority that I have but personally need to work on more is doing all my homework.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal." To me this habit means a state of mind and heart that always seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. They are agreements or solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying. Win-win also means to find a balance. For example, it's not your either nice or you're tough, you can be both. You can be sensitive but you also have to be brave. It's all about finding the right balance with things that will make you a better person.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe." This is a habit so you can communicate better. You have to understand others to be understood. We spend many years learning how to read, write and talk. People listen with the intent to reply and not really understand.We also usually respond with our life experiences. It is important to know how to reply to others without always responding with something that you've gone through. In some situations it is fine to talk about your experiences. To me it is most important to understand others then reply appropriately.
Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
To me this pretty much means two heads are better than one. Have good teamwork and be open-minded. For example, I play soccer so we need good teamwork to try to play well and win the game. Another example is lets say your trying to make a song with another person. You need to help each other out and let each other know how to improve and what your doing well. It brings many of peoples ideas and it could result in something great.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical,Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
Keep yourself fresh. Renew yourself. It's really important to do that so you can have energy and do all the important things you need to get done. You can renew yourself by relaxing, eating healthy, waking up early and sleeping early and getting rest. Always find a way to keep yourself sharp and not be really tired and overdue things.
Reflection: I believe that all 7 of these habits can highly effect people in a positive way. I will try my best to use all of these habits to improve myself as a person and become successful.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Habit 3: Put First Things First
This habit to put first things first means to do your priorities. "Organize and execute around priorities." Do things that are most important to you first. For example, one of my priorities are soccer. So, I make time and practice or study soccer to make myself better because I really want to get better. Another priority that I have but personally need to work on more is doing all my homework.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal." To me this habit means a state of mind and heart that always seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. They are agreements or solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying. Win-win also means to find a balance. For example, it's not your either nice or you're tough, you can be both. You can be sensitive but you also have to be brave. It's all about finding the right balance with things that will make you a better person.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe." This is a habit so you can communicate better. You have to understand others to be understood. We spend many years learning how to read, write and talk. People listen with the intent to reply and not really understand.We also usually respond with our life experiences. It is important to know how to reply to others without always responding with something that you've gone through. In some situations it is fine to talk about your experiences. To me it is most important to understand others then reply appropriately.
Habit 6: Synergize

To me this pretty much means two heads are better than one. Have good teamwork and be open-minded. For example, I play soccer so we need good teamwork to try to play well and win the game. Another example is lets say your trying to make a song with another person. You need to help each other out and let each other know how to improve and what your doing well. It brings many of peoples ideas and it could result in something great.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Keep yourself fresh. Renew yourself. It's really important to do that so you can have energy and do all the important things you need to get done. You can renew yourself by relaxing, eating healthy, waking up early and sleeping early and getting rest. Always find a way to keep yourself sharp and not be really tired and overdue things.
Reflection: I believe that all 7 of these habits can highly effect people in a positive way. I will try my best to use all of these habits to improve myself as a person and become successful.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Free Write
This Saturday I went to my girlfriend little sister birthday party. I had a really fun time. I danced a bit with my girlfriend which is rare because I don't like to dance much because i'm not really good. Then I met her best friends. I can't remember all of there names but I eventually will. But her friends seemed like fun people to hang out with. I had a fun time with my girlfriend and her friends just fooling around. Then after they all left like at around 1:00am or 2:00am and the party was coming to an end. So my girlfriend and I started cleaning up and took us about an hour. Then everyone left and we watched a movie for about 30 minutes and then I had to leave home because it was 3:30am.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
4 Ways to Remember Peoples Names
1. Commit
Begin by making a commitment to remember peoples names
Don’t let yourself off easy, blaming a “bad memory. Forgetting names is due less to a bad memory than to a lack of application. Tell yourself that you can remember names if you want to and if you work at it.
2. Concentrate
You can only remember what you observe. If you are distracted or not paying attention to the persons name then you might not remember it. Listen to the persons name, and if you forgot it or don't remember ask the person "Sorry, I missed your name. Can you give it to me again?"
3. Repeat
You can say the name immediately, say it multiple times in your head, use it in the conversation without overdoing, use it when leaving or even writing it down afterwards.
4. Associate
Begin by making a commitment to remember peoples names
Don’t let yourself off easy, blaming a “bad memory. Forgetting names is due less to a bad memory than to a lack of application. Tell yourself that you can remember names if you want to and if you work at it.
2. Concentrate
You can only remember what you observe. If you are distracted or not paying attention to the persons name then you might not remember it. Listen to the persons name, and if you forgot it or don't remember ask the person "Sorry, I missed your name. Can you give it to me again?"
3. Repeat
You can say the name immediately, say it multiple times in your head, use it in the conversation without overdoing, use it when leaving or even writing it down afterwards.
4. Associate
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Six Ways to Make People Like You
1. Become genuinely interested in other people
Becoming interested in people will make people really like you. You can really make a lot of friends if you become interested in others. "Do this and you will be welcome anywhere." I agree with this, many people will see that you are interested and care for them and are not a bad person so many people will think why not. It's a nice thing to be interested in other people and you will get some benefits from it.
2. Smile
To smile is an important way to make people like you. People don't really like to see others with a frown on their face. Smiling also makes you look better and a happier person. "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." This quote can be true to people you actually like and makes you happy to see them. Personally I think I smile a lot. I smile when I get happy to see people I really want to see like my parents, my girlfriend and best friends.
3. Remember names
Remembering names is very important to make people like you. "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language." Remembering peoples names will also help you communicate with others. It also allows you to make more friends. "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble." This quote can be true, you will need to remember peoples names and if you don't they might think they might be irrelevant to you, and it can also be a little disrespectful.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
Being a good listener is a very important to win friends. People like when others listen to them about themselves and what's going on in their lives. "If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener." I agree with this quote because to have a good conversation you must listen. I think I am a good listener. For example, if someone has a question on what they should do on something, I listen and give my opinion.
5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest
Talk about what the other person is interested about. This is important because they will like talking about their interest. "The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.If I am trying to have a conversation with someone I will mention something they like. You can have a fun long conversation with a person over thing they are interested in. They can be interested in a sport, music, art, dancing, etc.
6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
Making others feel important is a good way to make friends. People like feeling important, it makes them feel special and most likely they will want to talk to you more because you make people feel important. "The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (Johm Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic. I really like when people tell me something that I was involved in or something it makes me feel good. I think I make others feel important. For example, in the soccer team I ask people if they are going to the game or practice because we need everyone in the team to go.

Final Reflection: These six ways on how to win friends and influence people is pretty accurate to me. I believe all these ways are true. I do some of these ways as well. I usually always smile when I meet people. I am a good listener, I make people feel important and talk about their interests. Those are the rules I feel that I do well in. The rest I should improve because they are also very important.
1. Become genuinely interested in other people

2. Smile

4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
Being a good listener is a very important to win friends. People like when others listen to them about themselves and what's going on in their lives. "If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener." I agree with this quote because to have a good conversation you must listen. I think I am a good listener. For example, if someone has a question on what they should do on something, I listen and give my opinion.
5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest
Talk about what the other person is interested about. This is important because they will like talking about their interest. "The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.If I am trying to have a conversation with someone I will mention something they like. You can have a fun long conversation with a person over thing they are interested in. They can be interested in a sport, music, art, dancing, etc.

Making others feel important is a good way to make friends. People like feeling important, it makes them feel special and most likely they will want to talk to you more because you make people feel important. "The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (Johm Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic. I really like when people tell me something that I was involved in or something it makes me feel good. I think I make others feel important. For example, in the soccer team I ask people if they are going to the game or practice because we need everyone in the team to go.

Final Reflection: These six ways on how to win friends and influence people is pretty accurate to me. I believe all these ways are true. I do some of these ways as well. I usually always smile when I meet people. I am a good listener, I make people feel important and talk about their interests. Those are the rules I feel that I do well in. The rest I should improve because they are also very important.
Friday, October 7, 2016
UC San Francisco
1. UC San Francisco
2. GPA minimum of 3.0
3. Tuition: Approximately 111,000
4. 100+ majors offered
5. Nursing
7. Yes, it is ranked first best medical school in California so it must be really good.
2. GPA minimum of 3.0
3. Tuition: Approximately 111,000
4. 100+ majors offered
5. Nursing
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
1. UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0
3. Tuition: $12,918
4. 100+ Majors are offered
5. Nursing

7. Yes I would like to attend here because it seems really good and I have heard a lot of good things about it and is the 14th best medical school in the country and 2nd best in the state.
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0
3. Tuition: $12,918
4. 100+ Majors are offered
5. Nursing

7. Yes I would like to attend here because it seems really good and I have heard a lot of good things about it and is the 14th best medical school in the country and 2nd best in the state.
Soccer Try Outs Friday
Soccer Try Outs Friday
This Friday there will be school soccer try outs and I will be trying out. I am excited to play and show what I got. I was in the soccer team freshman and sophomore year but junior year I got grade cut. So this year I would like to join it again. I feel like I have improved a bit since I last was in the team. I hope I can make the team and have a great season. Also, some of my friends are trying out so I hope they also make the team so it can be fun. I think my friend and I are ready for try outs this Friday and hope my friends and I all make the team.
This Friday there will be school soccer try outs and I will be trying out. I am excited to play and show what I got. I was in the soccer team freshman and sophomore year but junior year I got grade cut. So this year I would like to join it again. I feel like I have improved a bit since I last was in the team. I hope I can make the team and have a great season. Also, some of my friends are trying out so I hope they also make the team so it can be fun. I think my friend and I are ready for try outs this Friday and hope my friends and I all make the team.
Monday, September 26, 2016
New North Carolina Law set to block release of police video footage
Police Department of the fatal encounter between officers and Keith Lamont Scott could be the last footage that North Carolina authorities will ever share with the public. Scott died September 20, 5 days since the shooting, and protesters are demanding the police to release the footage to the public. A new law that goes into effect on October 1st is set to block the public from having body cameras or dashboard cameras to give respect to the officers. I disagree with this law because I think it's also about respecting the public. With those recording that people use you can see many incidence that happen and can be shown to the public.
Police Department of the fatal encounter between officers and Keith Lamont Scott could be the last footage that North Carolina authorities will ever share with the public. Scott died September 20, 5 days since the shooting, and protesters are demanding the police to release the footage to the public. A new law that goes into effect on October 1st is set to block the public from having body cameras or dashboard cameras to give respect to the officers. I disagree with this law because I think it's also about respecting the public. With those recording that people use you can see many incidence that happen and can be shown to the public.
This Weekend
This Weekend
Real Madrid
This weekend, my favorite soccer team Real Madrid got their second tie of the season. I was pretty disappointed of the result because I think they could've done better and won the game. Real Madrid are still in first place in the league one point in front of Barcelona, but Real Madrid need to keep on winning. Real Madrid also play tomorrow against Borrusia Dortmund in the UEFA Champions League and I hope they can get a win It can really boost up confidence.
Fifa 17
This weekend I went to pre-order a new soccer game, Fifa 17 and its coming out on Tuesday the 27th which is tomorrow. But the cashier at Gamestop told me that since I pre-ordered it, I will be able to get it which ever time between 6pm- 9pm today. I am really excited for the new game because it looks really good. There is also a new game mode called "The Journey" and it's based on a player named Alex Hunter and he tries to make a name for himself in soccer. It seems really interesting and realistic, I can't wait to play it.
This weekend I went to pre-order a new soccer game, Fifa 17 and its coming out on Tuesday the 27th which is tomorrow. But the cashier at Gamestop told me that since I pre-ordered it, I will be able to get it which ever time between 6pm- 9pm today. I am really excited for the new game because it looks really good. There is also a new game mode called "The Journey" and it's based on a player named Alex Hunter and he tries to make a name for himself in soccer. It seems really interesting and realistic, I can't wait to play it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
John R. Noe
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
High Achievers.....
1. Make no small plans
You should always have big and challenging plans for yourself. Having big plans would challenge yourself and that how you become better. For example, if you want to pass all your classes sure that's a good goal, but instead you should try to pass your classes with all A's. You should have future plans also, like how much money you want to make, or what job you want to have, etc. If you have big plans you're most likely to succeed. If you have small plans you will be missing out on way more that you can be getting.

2. Do what they fear
Do what other people are afraid of doing, like taking risks. People are scared of failure, that's one of the reasons why people don't try to take risks. If you take risks and not fear anything you will have a better chance to succeed than others who are fearful. Face your fears, either it's for following your dream or getting on a roller coaster. I have to face my fears and try my best to become a professional soccer player. There are many obstacles to go through while trying to be an athlete, and that's what most people fear. But I have to overcome them by facing them and not giving up even if I fail. "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

3. Are willing to prepare
Willing to prepare yourself will set you up for success. Preparing yourself for something you want to do will give you a better advantage. Some examples are, preparing yourself for college. Your doing college type work, doing applications, studying, etc. Also, you have a soccer game and you need to prepare for it earlier so you can have a better chance of playing well. I prepare for soccer games consistently. It really helps me feel good and stay sharp on game day. I go for runs and practice with the ball. I feel like I need to improve on preparing myself more often for school, like for example on tests. I sometimes get low scores but if I were to prepare myself I would get a better score.

4.Are willing to risk failure
Willing to risk failure will help you succeed every time. You just have to try, your either going to succeed or fail. But trying every time and learning from your mistakes makes you better. Many people don't try because they are scared to fail. Great people keep trying even though they fail and keep on improving. For example, just being in a soccer game, you are risking failure because you don't know if your going to win or lose but obviously you will always try to go for the win. Another example of risking failure is taking a test. Your either going to pass or fail. You have to take chances. Think about failure kind of a way of learning. I am willing to risk failure. I'm always risking failure because I play soccer. In a game i'm either going to win or loss, a shot i'm either going to score or miss, etc.
5. Are teachable
High achievers and successful people are teachable. People won't be successful because they aren't teachable, or they think they know it all already. You should be a person that is open to any help and take it to try to make yourself better. For example, my soccer coach tells me on what I need to improve on and I listen and try to improve on the things he told me I needed to improve on. That will help become a better player.

6. Have heart
High achievers have heart. Which to me means they try their best and give it their all. Also, being passionate about what they're doing. Being a humble, trustworthy, honest, etc are all words that can also explain what having a heart means to me. In my opinion, I think I am a humble and trustworthy person and I am passionate about things I love to do like soccer.
Final Reflection: I think those 6 attitudes to become a high achiever are all true. I will try my best to have all these attitudes to make myself a better person and a high achiever. I think some of the attitudes that I do have is make no small plans, are willing ti prepare, are teachable and have heart. The other two do what they fear and risk failure are ones I think I need to improve on. I usually use these attitudes while playing soccer the most but I will try to do them outside of soccer more often.
John R. Noe
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
High Achievers.....
1. Make no small plans

2. Do what they fear
Do what other people are afraid of doing, like taking risks. People are scared of failure, that's one of the reasons why people don't try to take risks. If you take risks and not fear anything you will have a better chance to succeed than others who are fearful. Face your fears, either it's for following your dream or getting on a roller coaster. I have to face my fears and try my best to become a professional soccer player. There are many obstacles to go through while trying to be an athlete, and that's what most people fear. But I have to overcome them by facing them and not giving up even if I fail. "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

3. Are willing to prepare

4.Are willing to risk failure
Willing to risk failure will help you succeed every time. You just have to try, your either going to succeed or fail. But trying every time and learning from your mistakes makes you better. Many people don't try because they are scared to fail. Great people keep trying even though they fail and keep on improving. For example, just being in a soccer game, you are risking failure because you don't know if your going to win or lose but obviously you will always try to go for the win. Another example of risking failure is taking a test. Your either going to pass or fail. You have to take chances. Think about failure kind of a way of learning. I am willing to risk failure. I'm always risking failure because I play soccer. In a game i'm either going to win or loss, a shot i'm either going to score or miss, etc.
5. Are teachable

6. Have heart
High achievers have heart. Which to me means they try their best and give it their all. Also, being passionate about what they're doing. Being a humble, trustworthy, honest, etc are all words that can also explain what having a heart means to me. In my opinion, I think I am a humble and trustworthy person and I am passionate about things I love to do like soccer.
Final Reflection: I think those 6 attitudes to become a high achiever are all true. I will try my best to have all these attitudes to make myself a better person and a high achiever. I think some of the attitudes that I do have is make no small plans, are willing ti prepare, are teachable and have heart. The other two do what they fear and risk failure are ones I think I need to improve on. I usually use these attitudes while playing soccer the most but I will try to do them outside of soccer more often.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1.Be Grateful
Being grateful is a very important way to be happy and make something of your life. You should be grateful for what you have because maybe you have things that others are wishing they have. You should be pretty happy for how your life is, its never going to be perfect so you should strive to make it better. For example, a lot of us have phones and we just take it for granted. We use them everyday and we don't really notice and appreciate it enough. Some people throw their phone and just don't care about it, while they're people out there that wish they had one. "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for. Be thankful." I will apply this new way everyday. I will be grateful everyday I wake up and have another day to live and be grateful for everything and everybody that I have in my life. Some people can have more then you, but people can also have less than you. If you have that mind set you will be a more grateful and happier person.
2. Be Smart
Being smart is a very important way to be happy and make something of your life. Being smart will help you with the very important decisions you make in your life. Being smart can help you accomplish your goals and dreams. It helps you choose the right choices and rights things to do in your life. If you are not smart you might struggle in your life because you will be choosing the wrong and not making the right decisions. There can be many examples of being smart. There are ways to be smart. For example, doing well in school, being respectful, being responsible, being honest, etc. "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't hard work." I really like this quote because I believe this is true. You have to work hard to get what ever you want in life. You might have a talent but if you don't work hard making that talent even better, it will go to waste. You have to work hard, workings hard is a way to be smart. I will apply this way to do better in school and work harder and make better decisions and try to be more wise and think about it.
3.Be Involved in Good Works
Being involved in good works is a important way to make something of your life. If your involved in good works you will be happy and be a good person as well. For example, I play soccer so if I see somebody struggling and I can see he's getting mad at himself, I will try to cheer him up and tell him to be positive, instead of being negative. Helping the player out will make him feel better. Another example of being involved in good works is maybe you see somebody struggling to carry the groceries, you can ask if they need help. If they say yes help them out. Being involved in good works shows respect, being kind and having good sportsmanship if your in sports. I feel like I already do use this way, but I will continue to use this way and try to use it better and in different ways.
4.Be Clean
Staying clean is a important way to make something of your life. When you hear be clean you think of showering, brushing teeth, etc. Which is also important for your health, but to me being clean is also not doing drugs and not smoking. Drugs are not good for you, they can maybe make you feel good at the moment but can really affect your life in a negative way. Also, another way of not being clean to me is being sexually active without protection. Having unprotected sex with many people is unsafe and can lead to bad illnesses. I'm not saying having unprotected safe is dirty, but personally I will only do it when I am ready. I will apply this way by saying no to drugs and make to have protection when sexually active.
5.Be True
Being true is an important way to make something of your life. Be true to yourself, don't lie to yourself. Notice what you need to improve on and get better, don't lie to yourself and say your the best already and don't need to work on improving yourself. Also be true to your family, girlfriend/boyfriend and best friends. Be honest with them and don't tell them bad lies. Also be true to your sports team, work hard, stay loyal and committed to your team, stick with them when things aren't working out. I will apply this new way by trying to be more honest to other people and letting people know how I feel, also will always be true and honest to myself.

6.Be Positive
Being positive is an important way to make something of your life. Being positive can really help you and lead to great opportunities. Being positive can give you confidence to do what you want to do. There is a lot of negative people and are scared to do things in their life because they don't have a lot of confidence. With positive things on your mind, the most likely positive things will happen. People can get so negative because maybe they're not where they want to be in life or maybe a bad experience happened to them they just give up, but when you fail your suppose to be positive and get back up stronger. Positive people most likely succeed because they don't quit and see the positive in a situation. I will start using this way more often because I can be a negative person sometimes and it really puts me down. But then I eventually realize that I hate being negative and being negative will not help me in any way so I try my best to think positive, I usually think negative some days usually in soccer because I feel like i'm not good, but there's days when I am positive where I tell my self "I am good and I will keep on improving." I will have more of those positive thoughts so I can improve and succeed.
7. Be Humble
Being humble is a important way to make something of your life. Being humble can lead to a lot of positive things for your life. If your humble to others most likely they will like you as a person, nobody likes people that brag and are really cocky and have too much ego. You should be a kind person because its the right thing to do, but also I feel you should be aware of who your being really kind too because people can take advantage of your kindness and I've experienced that. "Work hard and be humble." People have told me that I am a kind and humble person and I think I agree with them. For example, there are many good soccer players but have too much ego and just think its all about them and don't give others respect. I feel like I am a decent soccer player and I think I am not like that at all. I will continue being a humble person because it's what I like being and I hope I can succeed by doing so.

8. Be Still
Being still is a important way to make something of your life. "To be still means to empty yourself from the incessant flow of thoughts and create a state of consciousness that is open and receptive." Being still to me means to be consistent, being consistent in good things and good things will happen to you. I believe being still also means to be patient. Be patient for all the opportunities you will have in the future. I also think it means to be hopeful, and being positive. I will be still more often because sometimes I can be a really negative person and have no hope and wanting to give up, but I am learning and hopefully the older I get the more of a positive person I'll be. Also, be more of a consistent person in doing smart things that will help me in my life.
9.Be Prayerful
Final Reflection: I agree in all these 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life. All of them are really important to be happy. My favorites out of the 9 are to be Grateful, Be Smart, Be Humble and Be Positive because I feel like I do that already. I will really try my best to always use these 9 ways to be happy and make something in my life. I can be more grateful for things and not take it for granted. I will start appreciating what I have more. I will be smart by making the right decisions. I will be more involved in good works, by helping people out when they need it. I will always be clean and not do drugs. I will try my best to be true and always tell the truth and be loyal. I will try my best to be positive by always looking at the good side. I will be humble by being nice and good to others. I will try to be more still when I have time to think about important things. I will do all these important ways to be happy and make something in my life.
1.Be Grateful

Being smart is a very important way to be happy and make something of your life. Being smart will help you with the very important decisions you make in your life. Being smart can help you accomplish your goals and dreams. It helps you choose the right choices and rights things to do in your life. If you are not smart you might struggle in your life because you will be choosing the wrong and not making the right decisions. There can be many examples of being smart. There are ways to be smart. For example, doing well in school, being respectful, being responsible, being honest, etc. "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't hard work." I really like this quote because I believe this is true. You have to work hard to get what ever you want in life. You might have a talent but if you don't work hard making that talent even better, it will go to waste. You have to work hard, workings hard is a way to be smart. I will apply this way to do better in school and work harder and make better decisions and try to be more wise and think about it.
3.Be Involved in Good Works

4.Be Clean

5.Be True

6.Be Positive
Being positive is an important way to make something of your life. Being positive can really help you and lead to great opportunities. Being positive can give you confidence to do what you want to do. There is a lot of negative people and are scared to do things in their life because they don't have a lot of confidence. With positive things on your mind, the most likely positive things will happen. People can get so negative because maybe they're not where they want to be in life or maybe a bad experience happened to them they just give up, but when you fail your suppose to be positive and get back up stronger. Positive people most likely succeed because they don't quit and see the positive in a situation. I will start using this way more often because I can be a negative person sometimes and it really puts me down. But then I eventually realize that I hate being negative and being negative will not help me in any way so I try my best to think positive, I usually think negative some days usually in soccer because I feel like i'm not good, but there's days when I am positive where I tell my self "I am good and I will keep on improving." I will have more of those positive thoughts so I can improve and succeed.
7. Be Humble

8. Be Still
Being still is a important way to make something of your life. "To be still means to empty yourself from the incessant flow of thoughts and create a state of consciousness that is open and receptive." Being still to me means to be consistent, being consistent in good things and good things will happen to you. I believe being still also means to be patient. Be patient for all the opportunities you will have in the future. I also think it means to be hopeful, and being positive. I will be still more often because sometimes I can be a really negative person and have no hope and wanting to give up, but I am learning and hopefully the older I get the more of a positive person I'll be. Also, be more of a consistent person in doing smart things that will help me in my life.
9.Be Prayerful
Final Reflection: I agree in all these 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life. All of them are really important to be happy. My favorites out of the 9 are to be Grateful, Be Smart, Be Humble and Be Positive because I feel like I do that already. I will really try my best to always use these 9 ways to be happy and make something in my life. I can be more grateful for things and not take it for granted. I will start appreciating what I have more. I will be smart by making the right decisions. I will be more involved in good works, by helping people out when they need it. I will always be clean and not do drugs. I will try my best to be true and always tell the truth and be loyal. I will try my best to be positive by always looking at the good side. I will be humble by being nice and good to others. I will try to be more still when I have time to think about important things. I will do all these important ways to be happy and make something in my life.
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